Thursday, August 16, 2012

Word of the Day: Consumption


Just kidding. It wasn’t that bad. 

If you read my last post, Creativity and Consumption, all the way through, you know I spent yesterday in a relatively media-less environment in an attempt to bolster my creativity.

It went well, and it sort of worked? I didn’t add to the novel, but I did tackle some projects that I’ve been meaning to do, like finishing up transcribing my journal. So that was good. 

Plus, when I woke up this morning, my whole brain was like INTERNET INTERNET INTERNET INTERNET and I was like YES YES YES YES YES and then I spent six hours on Tumblr and Vlogbrothers and Facebook and YEA VERILY IT WAS A HIGHLY ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE. 

It was much like the time that I spent five days eating only vegetables and lean meat and then on day six I had a cinnamon roll and that cinnamon roll was, without question, the most delicious thing I’ve eaten in my life. That’s how the Internet tasted this morning. (Not literally, Bridey, no, stop that. You can’t lick the Internet.)

This experience made me consider the word consumption itself. “Consumption” used to be the term for tuberculosis,* which seems oddly unrelated to the way I’ve been thinking about consumption as “taking in and using lots of stuff.” But it makes more sense when considered alongside the first definition of “consume” as found in Merriam-Webster:

                To do away with completely: Destroy.

And it gets worse:

                To spend wastefully: Squander.
Use up.

It makes sense. When you consume food, it’s gone. I guess I was just thinking about “consumption” in the context of media, and in that sense, no, when I watch YouTube videos they don’t disappear. I’m not destroying anything when I consume YouTube videos. 

Or am I? Sure, the contents of the Tumblr I’m reading aren’t gone after I consume them—but my time is. My passion and motivation might be, too. 

Basically, the way my brain cries out for MOAR INTERNET NOW PLZ is about as healthy to indulge as the way my brain cries out for more cinnamon rolls. Both are most satisfying and healthiest in moderation. 

Yesterday's experience helped me see that I need to produce more, to spend more time actively creating and less time passively consuming. Maybe if I did so, I would feel less compelled to end this post with "Hank, I'll see you on Friday."

*According to the OED, “consumption” as a disease was first used in 1398 I love the OED and it referred generally to a “wasting” of the body before narrowing in its meaning to “tuberculosis.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Consumption and Creativity

I’ve had Hank Green’s Tumblr song stuck in my head for a week. And if you don’t know what Tumblr is, or if you’ve encountered it but haven’t succumbed to slavish obsession, then here’s what the song explains: Tumblr provides amazing, hilarious, addictive content in such massive quantities that once you’re in, you will never escape. 

This can be said about much of the internet (or about the internet as a whole). But the beginning of the video really caught my ear:

(Spoken) Good morning, John. I wanted to make a really complicated video today, something that was just awesome and epic, but I just, I just don’t have time. And it’s not even because I’m busy, it’s just like,
(Sung) I’ve been way too busy to create / And I find it really hard to concentrate

That explains waaayyy too much about my life right now. Like my inability to update my blog consistently or to…leave the house. Ever. (Though it is August in Arizona and this week has been record-breakingly hot, so my lack of house-leaving is an act of self-preservation.)

Yes, I found this on Tumblr. Sigh.

I spend an inordinate amount of time trawling the internet for things that make me laugh. My friends like this. My novels do not. ’Cause if I spend six hours reading Epbot how-to posts or following the Avengers tag on Tumblr, then those become six hours when I can’t work on my novel or this blog or anything else productive. 

Consumption is lovely—and easy—but constantly consuming other people’s content makes it reeeaaally difficult for me to come up with my own awesome things to put out into the world. Maybe what my novel needs from me right now is a big dose of boredom. If I don’t allow myself to access entertainment made by others, I will necessarily have to entertain myself. Cut me off from narrative and I’ll have to create my own. 

Tomorrow, I’m going to give it a try. No television, no internet (except my e-mail, since my job sort of hinges on my ability to receive e-mail), no books even. Possibly an extreme reaction to my own consumptive behavior, sure, but I’m intrigued by extremes, and it’s just one day. Hopefully my boredom will lead to some type of creative productivity.

I might even leave the house.